Schubert Environmental Equipment -- ReplaceAIR® is a leading Manufacturer of “Wet Scrubbers and Wet Downdraft Tables” and other Dust/Smoke Control Units, Ventilation and Water Treatment Equipment. Engineering Studies and Turnkey Installation Services are a mainstay of the company.


October 18th, 2024

Schubert Environmental Equipment previously made a standard HydroAIR(R) Wet Downdraft Table for a startup metal additive company, as they were concerned about present and future generation of explosive dusts. A year later they contacted us again to see if a larger, ultra-heavy strength table was possible that could carry a 4,000 to 5,000 lb. loading. As far as our research could verify, a table of this capacity had never been made. The design would require reversing the normal Patented…

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July 15th, 2024

HydroAIR® customer invests in four large systems for Mexico Facility A recent Schubert Environmental Equipment sale was a shipment to Mexico of four DBS-8 HydroAIR Scrubbers (8,000 cfm). This is the second purchase by a major manufacturer that polishes and buffs stainless and other metal alloy fixtures. Previously in 2010, this firm purchased two of our DBS-6 HydroAIR Wet Collector Scrubbers to be ducted to ten, two station polishing/buffing lathes for use in their US…

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