Powder Coating

A true innovation for a rapid growth industry is the ReplaceAIR Powder Coat Overspray Collector with “Easy Color Change” Feature.
Based on the proven roll out cart design of standard ReplaceAIR™, our Engineers have designed a simple roll out of the cartridges and powder gathering box for the different colors.
The Main Unit Housing, Controls, Electrical and Blower stays in place for minimal investment.
Because of the light weight of these powders, this unit is 5 hp. and rated at 4,000 cfm, the highest rating in the industry because of the “ultra high energy” of the reverse pulse self cleaning system used by ReplaceAIR units.
This consists of variable throat Venturi design with expansion cones designed by Goyen for these ReplaceAIR self cleaning cartridge systems.
Protect Yourself with a ReplaceAIR™.
Contact Us
For more information on our stone dust collectors for your business, we encourage you to contact us via our web form or by calling 630-307-9400 today.