The HydroAIR Wet Dust Collector, in stainless or galvanized construction, represents the latest designs in this Industry (16,000 cfm and smaller). The Engineers at ReplaceAIR have encountered most every Aluminum Metal Dust, Magnesium Metal Dust or Titanium Metal Dust application that is in general use.

The HydroAIR High Efficiency Impeller Type Wet Collector in stainless steel which represents a long lived, economical wet collector at a low cost with its manual clean out. Automatic Electronic Water Level Control is a feature ReplaceAIR brought to the latest and most contemporary design with the 4 Electronic Probes and multiple alert features.
Another option for HydroAIR water level control is the Photo Helic Level control for automatic control at an economical price.

Magnesium Dust requires the powered 24-7 vent design. Again, 90% of these applications must meet NFPA 484 for Explosive Metal Dust.
At ReplaceAIR, our Engineers are always thinking of ways to offer designs that meet specific industry requirements and scenarios. Our aim is to provide cost-effective and efficient control of Aluminum Explosive Metal Dust, Titanium Explosive Metal Dust or Magnesium Metal Dust.
Patent Pending designs for Self Cleaning Mist Elimination as well as Cassette Removable Sludge Ejectors and Scrub Impellers are just a few examples of Innovation that the ReplaceAIR Engineering Dept. has brought to market in just the last few years.
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For more information on our products, please contact us via our web form or give us a call at 630-307-9400.